Country of Origin: USA
Homer's most notorious love story takes place in ancient Greece, where the love of the Prince of Troy, Paris (Orlando Bloom), and the Queen of Sparta, Helen (Diane Kruger) starts a war that would devastate a civilization. This epic story of love, lust and passion begins when Paris steals Helen away from her husband, King Menelaus (Brendan Gleeson). Menelaus sees this as an insult to his pride and gets his brother, Agamemnon (Brian Cox), involved. Together the two brothers bring together all the armies of Greece and plan to invade the city of Troy, to steal Helen back. (98) Agamemnon's original plan to help his brother steal his wife back is changed when his greed compels him to take over Troy and seize control of the Aegean. The only problem is that is encountered is that the city, protected by Hector (Eric Bana), son of King Priam (Peter O'Toole), has never been breached. The only person, believed, to be able to bring down the city would be Achilles (Brad Pitt).
Troy is an exciting, romantic and action packed epic. The graphics were amazing in the way that they re-created battles and wars that happened and the way in which cities, ships, and temples were digitally remastered, with great detail, to look as they did during that time period. The only thing that I found a little disappointing was that in the film a lot of scenes were missing or cut short that were in The Iliad, but then again, you can't put every single, little detail from the book on film because of time. Also, in The Iliad, Menelaus is supposed to be just as good looking as Paris, but in the movie they purposely make him look old and not as attractive, but I guess it could be because the "bad" side is always supposed to be uglier than the "good" side. Other than those two critiques I would recommend this film to anyone who enjoys action and romance.
I agree with you when you say movies tend to make the antagonist more unattractive.
On another note, did you notice the airplane that flies by in one of the scenes with Brad Pitt? They were not that common in ancient Greece, lol.
Haha no I didn't see that...what part of the movie is it?
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